MBO Navigator Folder & Palamides Bander

MBO Navigator Folder & Palamides Bander

Maine MBO Man "Folding 2 Up, "Split Guide Not Required" I am operating a brand new MBO T-800 Automatik Navigator and used MBO BA-700 Palamides Automatic Paper Bander. Folding inserts two up and processing the final folds in the right angle without a "split guide"! The job is arranged to have a 1-1/4 inch gutter trim. When this amount is slit, this gives me the gap I need to process for the final two folds. Further more I have a paper bander in-line. Have quite an operation going on here. Using two H2O/alcohol wet scoring units, pressing unit, and automatic paper bander. When they come out it's like handling a brick. Nice high quality folding and very flat. 40# paper is a very light stock to deal with. It takes all the little tips and tricks to do a great makeready. The end result to can really pump out the work. The first unit is at about 9500 +/- per hour and at the delivery it is 18500 +/- per hour. By having the first unit folding at a slower rate your first fold and slitting is really nice. Even on this 40# stock. Now your final two folds will look even better. Overall on a large run you will save time on cutting and folding!
Masih jaman ngambul ?"@rhyuptri: Nehkan mbo nia ga blg oga i love you hha RT"@SonniaYP: Euwhhh RT @yoggasheckler: Apa lagi ditanyak sama orn

@LindyZimmer ja precies. rauwkleding. of rouw. weet ik niet, mbo jwz.

@Ricovervoorn Klopt, maar er komen een paar forse bezuinigingen op het MBO af.

@Illestpersian doe mbo 1beveiliging in adam

iyo, ngece ki -.- RT @putrira31: lo iyo to ? :D RT @Clonnank03: aku jantan len :p RT putrira31: lagi dapet yeee ? :D RT @Clonnank03: mbo ...

Sama mbo na, alarm kolok. "@Karina_Apsari: Aku baru bangun we,, alarm jm 4 tiada membangunkan :(RT @Omelangden @aiiutiira @Emapadma ":

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