Dip in the Pool: Dipping - 1 Rabo del sol

Dip in the Pool: Dipping - 1 Rabo del sol

Track 1 from Dip in the Pool's 1991 laserdisc-only video collection. Dip in the Pool were a Japanese pop group from the late 1980s and 1990s. They are Miyako Koda and Tatsuji Kim. The videos were directed by Hiroyuki Nakano. For more about Dip in the Pool: artcontext.com
RT @eviewhitee: a dip in the pool, a trip to the spaa- the whole world according to moiii excuse me thankyou

RT @ThiefsSon: To become a top writer one must sacrifice. No distractions. A hard night of work ahead then. But first a dip in the pool. ...

Remember kids: Remove clothing AFTER climbing the neighbor's fence to skinny dip in their pool. #sharingthewisdom

a dip in the pool, a trip to the spaa- the whole world according to moiii excuse me thankyou

@miissbrownskin lol we both aint shit cause i was thinkin bout takin a dip in the ho pool tonight lmao...man aint doin his job

I feel like going for a dip in the pool

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