Beethoven ベートーヴェン ピアノソナタ 第32番 op.111 第2楽章(2/2) エリック・ハイドシェック
ベートーヴェン ピアノソナタ 第32番 Op.111 第2楽章 (2/2) pf:エリック・ハイドシェック'99 富山LVBeethoven piano sonata no.32 op.111 2nd movement (2/2) Eric Heidsieck
WOOHOO doing something with Hayari really quick because I haven't really used her in a long time, annnd joining the bandwagon cuz this song is sooooooo catchy it's ridiculous. The original UST is by Nukude, but I did a lot of my own work on it-- added a lot of pitchbends, made my own harmonies, just cuz I wanted to add a little flair to Hayari's version. I actually drew the art for this like a month or two ago but god I've been so lazy with using the actual UTAU program lately... XD I have a million half finished USTs and I'm just so laaaaaaaaazyyyyyyyyyy ;; Butttttttt yep I was gonna release Hayari's VCV with this but I actually think I'll work on Violetta's before I do Hayari's. Annnnd again I'm lazy so who knows if I'll ever get around to finishing those things. WOO LAZY LYFE