Kyushu J7W1 Shinden

Kyushu J7W1 Shinden

The Shinden or Magnificent Lightning was designed to be Japan´s first jet powered fighter. Three prototypes were built before the war ended and only three flights (all gear down) were made. The prototypes were equipped with piston engines because the jet engines that Germany tried to export to Japan never reached its destination. The Shinden was a canard design with the horisontal stabilizers in front and the engine in the back in a pusher configuration. The plane was very different from other fighters of that periode, but compared to modern fighters it looks like the japanese engineers were on to something This Kyushu J7W1 Shinden model was designed and built for the RC-Groups first Build Off competition. More details about the model can be found in this build thread at RC Groups: www.rcgroups.com
RT @Mobius99: ん?震電Ⅱだっけ?

@polpolkun4649 19XXで震電が自機として使用可能になった時、これまでのシリーズを考えて複雑な気分になりましたよね。ゲームとしてもアーケードで遊べるSTGとしては空前の低難易度でしたし。



@yokodon88 なにげに引っ掛け問題的なネタなんですが、震電のマ43に対して、坂本さんの紫電は五三型なのでこちらもマ43だったりします。インテーク形状が違っているので竹井さんの登場シーンとかと見比べてみると面白いかもしれません。

figmaで宮藤芳佳 震電verとかでないかな

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