Gloverall 60th Anniversary Short Length
Filmed in celebration of Gloveralls 60th Anniversary featuring Iconic Monty Duffles & Archive recreations. In 1951 Gloverall was founded from M & F Morris Industrial clothing company. The name was conceived from the words Gloves and Overalls. Morris's were approached by the MOD at the end of Korean War to dispose of surplus supplies of Duffle Coats. Gloverall of London were the first clothiers to make the traditional Military and Naval Duffle coats available to civilians. Gloverall created what is known as todays Duffle, with a check back double faced fabric, Buffalo horn toggles and leather fastenings. Many companies try to emulate but there is only one and that is the 'Original Gloverall Duffle'.
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ブラックジャックによろしく原画展|ORIGINAL DRAWING EXHIBITION:Tokyo Dive
人気漫画「ブラックジャックによろしく」の二次利用自由化を記念して、中野ブロードウェイで開催されている原画展。レアな原画を無料で見れるだけでなく、会場内の真ん中に置かれたプリンターが印象的で、そのプリンターを使い原画データを出力して持ち帰ることもできます。 二次利用の自由化が今後どのような形になって現れるのか?著作権について考える意味あるイベントです。 ▼ブラックジャックによろしく 原画展 【HLYWD AGENT|ハリウッドエージェント】 MUSIC:"Oh Crap" by Yoeri (