Captain Tsubasa AMV キャプテン翼 Pierre Louis

Captain Tsubasa AMV キャプテン翼 Pierre Louis

[PLEASE, READ ALL] This is my very first AMV, I have not used Movie Maker before, so the timing of music and clips is not that perfect, but, err... Eh, I hope you like my work ^^ It may contains some sort of light [really, REALLY light] shonenai hints, but only if you want to see them in the vid XD You can give also a "friendship!read" at the AMV, because, yeah, even if I'm a great supporter of the pairing Pierre/Louis, I really luv these two also like friends... The song is "Mi title" by Utaibito Hane (c) and it's the first ending of the anime Hungry Heart Wild Stryker (c) by Yoichi Takahashi [like CT XD]. These two anime are two of my favorites, so why don't choose the eding of HH for an AMV about CT?! XD It's logic, OMG! I don't own Captain Tsubasa and the clips I've used in this video, they're property of their owner and the creatore of CT's original story is Yoichi Takahashi. I don't own the fanart used in this AMV, they came from the fansites "Coral Track", "Shooting Superstar" and "Spoiler". There are two images thaht I pick from an hosting site, so I don't know who are theire creators... If you know the sites where they came from, please tell me, so I can add the credits in the vid ^^ I own only the symbol of "Chyko's production" - so don't try to steal it - and I've only made the animation of the AMV... If you have question, please tell me, and if you like the vid, leave a comment :) You can find the fanart at these sites: spoiler ...




【SGGC】八雲紫のこと。元々は「SGC(スーパーグータラクローザー)」だったが、あまりの劇場っぷりから「SGGC(スーパーグータラ 劇場型クローザー)」に昇格した。元ネタは『キャプテン翼』の「SGGK(スーパーグレートゴールキーパー、もしくはスーパーがんばりゴールキーパー)」

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