Close Level Control CPB.wmv
貯血槽を分離した閉鎖型人工心肺回路で貯血レベルが安定するよう自動制御しています。 このシステムでは体外循環の開始や離脱操作がつまみ一つで行え、貯血レベルの調整はセンサーの上下動だけで行えます。
【宅録】 Sign Language (Bob Dylan Eric Clapton) home recording
Forgotten Junk: Riki-Oh: Child of Destruction - Ending song
This second OVA adaptation of the Riki-Oh is considerably poor, but it does have two very awesome songs by Eizo Sakamoto, this one, "Requiem of Fire", and one called "JESUS JESUS" (yes, you read correctly). I have to thank Rockmanzallz for buying the original Laserdiscs and ripping them, as it exposed the world to more Riki-Oh. Also, my article: