Rowan Atkinson Sequence - Opening Ceremony - London 2012 Olympic Games

Rowan Atkinson Sequence - Opening Ceremony - London 2012 Olympic Games

Highlights from the Olympic Stadium at the London 2012 Olympic Games. -- 27 July 2012 Every two years, the world's finest athletes gather at the Olympic Games - a spectacular celebration of sporting excellence that captures the attention of billions of people around the world. However, the Games are about much more than just sport. They bring the Olympic values to life and provide a global arena for a unique combination of sport, culture, education and ceremonies. At the Olympic Games in London 2012, about 10500 athletes from 204 countries compete in 26 different sports, comprising 302 medal events. Whether athletes win a medal or not, they can forever call themselves Olympians. The sporting competitions are undoubtedly the central focus of the Olympic Games and participating in the Games is the ultimate goal for most athletes. Every edition has its own story to tell and will be remembered for some truly remarkable performances from sporting legends such as Jesse Owens, Abebe Bikila, Jean-Claude Killy, Nadia Comaneci, Katarina Witt, Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt, to name just a few. Find more about the Olympic Games at www.olympic.org/olympic-games
@barihama ロンドンバス素敵ですね(^ ^)


<東北大学交響楽団第159回定期演奏会>時:12月1日(土) 18:00開場18:30開演/場所: 東京エレクトロンホール宮城(宮城県民会館) /曲目:ヴェルディ 歌劇「ナブッコ」序曲・ハイドン 交響曲第104番「ロンドン」・チャイコフスキー 交響曲第四番

@mtr9 いこいこ!絶対だ!みっちゃん今からお金貯めてロンドン来なよ


RT @PaulStuart_PR: FLAGSHIP:本日17時よりPaul Stuart銀座店にて、ロンドンよりネクタイスペシャリストをお招きしたコーディネート講座を行います。今のロンドンの雰囲気をVゾーンに取り入れてみてはいかがでしょうか?皆様のお越しをお待ちしてい ...

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