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★ Twisted Metal - - ★ Twisted metal - Episode 2: Black Rock Killoseum Ft. Pizzaman925- WAY➚

★ Twisted Metal - - ★ Twisted metal - Episode 2: Black Rock Killoseum Ft. Pizzaman925- WAY➚

Whats up guys. This is episode 2 of my walkthrough of Twisted Metal in Black Rock Killoseum. Featuring Death Warrant, Outlaw and Sweet Tooth (but we dont use Sweet tooth in this Twisted Metal Gameplay. I am excited for this game and cant wait to bring you more gameplay from this. I hope to get better at Twisted Metal as time goes on. Twisted Metal is an awesome game and i hope you guys have bought it. OR have at least considered Getting Twisted Metal. See you guys later! Thank you for watching. And as always please comment rate and subscribe. Tell me what you think in the comments below. _______________________________________ WAY➚ (We Are You) ➜ tgn.tv _______________________________________ YouTube Handbook -- How to get more views! ➜ tgn.tv TGN grew from 0-10 million in 5 months and shares how in this handbook! _______________________________________ Livestream Handbook -- How to get more viewers! ➜ tgn.tv Towelliee went from $0 to a high 4-figure monthly income in 4 months solely from livestreaming and he shares how in this handbook! _______________________________________ TGN on Facebook ➜ tgn.tv TGN on Twitter ➜ tgn.tv TGN on Google+ ➜ tgn.tv TGN on YouTube ➜ tgn.tv _______________________________________ Stay up-to-date on everything TGN! ➜ tgn.tv _______________________________________ Get more TGN! ➜ tgn.tv
@velet1090 ツイステッドメタルとか懐かしすぎるw



@zam33766729 初めまして。本当、GOWの動画良かったです!日本で販売されるとイイですね!ツイステッドメタルは北米版を購入しましたが、英語わからないので雰囲気を楽しんでます♪


@ohaou_Ken 何考えてるんでしょーねぇ。去年は最後にツイステッドメタルでサプライズでしたけど。

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