蕪村 京ことばにのせて 山下智子 菊川徳之助
第26回国民文化祭・京都2011 与謝蕪村顕彰 俳句大会 2011.10.30 与謝野町にて 撮影協力:京都与謝野町有線テレビ 曲:中村典子 *「蕪村の句による四季のうた」(出版:マザーアース) *「夏河を越す嬉しさよ手に草履」指揮:桑山博 合唱:アンサンブルアカデミー京都 *「かしの木のうた」(長浜市立下草野小学校みんなのうた)篠笛:井伊亮子 十七絃:麻植美弥子 *「川のほとりのこもりうた」(出版:マザーアース) ソプラノ:美堂舞 ヴァイオリン:木須すみれ ヴァイオリン:中村仁美 ヴィオラ:中村公俊 チェロ:大西泰徳 *「草のおと」チェロ:松崎安里子 十七絃:麻植美弥子 脚本:藤田真一 制作:チーム アノニム

Megumi Odaka - Autabi anata wo suki ni naru
From the VHS "DIARY". This song was on her 3rd Single and was released on 1988/11/21. Translated lyrics: ("Every time I meet you I like you more") Home is just next block But I still don't want to be back and you should be all right about this If I pull my hand out of the pocket to hold yours I would be blushing, not knowing what to do I don't like silent people I don't like those who are stiff and dislike those that have no charm at all However, every time I meet you I like you more although the desired kiss is still in distance Please affect me before that such as hold my shoulder on the park bench I wonder when a star appears gleaming in the moon light I can't but go home, although I want to be together with you I call you when I'm home In spite of not talking and knowing that we'll meet tomorrow I want to hear good night from you Every time I meet you I like you more but this is quite different from a movie plot Glance behind on the road at nightfall can you see me waving at you? Every time I meet you I like you more although the desired kiss is still in distance ~~~~~~~~~ Thanks go to loveshizuka from YouTube who translated the lyrics from Japanese into Chinese and to my friend Jao who translated them from Chinese into English. They have also been slighty modified by me to avoid any misunderstandings. However, I cannot guarantee that any of this is entirely correct.

しりあがり寿 『怪奇ハンバーグ男』 第五話