iOS 5 Today / Release Date - What's New?
iOS 5 Today / Release Date - What's New? - Today is the day when iOS 5 is set for general release. Why is this update such a big deal? What are some of the most notable differences between iOS 5 and previous versions? In this video, Nate (@NatesTechUpdate) takes us through all of the latest updates, step-by-step. Apple iOS 5 Overview: Personal Setup - iTunes is no longer required to activate and set up your device for the first time. Your device can also be restored from an iCloud backup or iTunes backup during the set up process. Over The Air Updates - Download new software updates right on your device over wi-fi or 3g. These are delta updates meaning only download the changes. iCloud Backups - Backup your device without the use of iTunes with iCloud. iCloud backups will automatically be made when ever your device is plugged in, the screen is locked, and connected to a wi-fi network. Manual backups can also be made under iCloud in settings. Wi-Fi Sync - For those still interested in using iTunes, cut the cord and sync over wi-fi. Notification Center - Apple has completely redesigned notifications in iOS 5 with the new banner alert style. Notification center can be accessed by swiping down from top of device. Notifications that have not been responded to will be made available here. Camera/Photo Updates - Turn on/off grid, take photo with volume up button, lock auto focus and auto exposure, and camera button on lock screen. Edit photos by: rotating, auto-enhance, red eye reduction, and crop ...
RT @gganbat: Unlock хийсэн iPhone 4s-н iOS 5.0-г update хийвэл unlock нь яах вэ? Gevey sim ашигласан гэсэн. Хүний утсыг iPod болгочкоод байнаа. RT plz
RT @eaton: Just to put things in perspective, iOS icons are now larger than the entire screen of the original 128k Macintosh.
iOSアップデート完了!日本語シリで入力してみた( ´ ▽ ` )ノこれは楽ちんな!
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