

Amorphis Elegy (1996) Album Long evenings full on longing Low-spirited my mornings Full of longing too my nights And all times the bitterest. 'Tis my lovely I long for It is my darling I miss My black-browed one I grieve for. Beneath the grass my treasure Under the sand my sweet one Beneath the grass my treasure Under the sand my sweet one There's no hearing my treasure No seeing my marten-breat No hearing her in the lane Driving below the window Chopping the wood by the stack Clinking outside the cook-house In the earth my berry lies Beneath the grass my treasure Under the sand my sweet one Beneath the grass my treasure Under the sand my sweet one - growls - CHANNEL L / R: Long / evenings full on longing Low / spirited my mornings Full of longing / too my nights And all times / the bitterest. There's / no hearing my treasure No seeing / my marten-breat No hearing / her in the lane Driving below / the window Chopping the wood / by the stack Clinking outside / the cook-house In the earth / my berry lies In the soil / she's mouldering Under the sand / my sweet one Beneath the grass / my treasure The one / I grieve for.
@blue_elegy_doll おかえり。蒼維更莎が帰ってくるの待ってた。無事に帰ってきて嬉しいよ

@blue_elegy_doll 蒼維更莎ちゃん、おかえりなさい。今日も1日お疲れ様です。

@blue_elegy_doll おかえりなさい!お疲れ様ですー。ねぇねぇ、ところで今日のおみやげって何ですか?まさか用意してないなんてことはないですよね…?

@blue_elegy_doll おかえりのキス…ちゅっ。

Some gypsy yelled at me today because I bumped into her, what the hell.

@blue_elegy_doll お疲れなのだ~!楽しかったのか?

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