Robin Williams - The French

Robin Williams - The French

Robin Williams talks about the French.
RT @MichelPesquera: El problema es que Dios le dio al hombre un cerebro y un pene, y sólo suficiente sangre para que funcione uno a la vez.” Robin Williams

Canadian money is also called the loony. How can you take an economic crisis seriously? - Robin Williams

RT @pandji: #SotoyStandup 3: Kok pake jatoh2an & lompat2an? Katanya cerdas? | Realita: Itu namanya "act out". Nonton Robin Williams, act outnya ekstrim

The first time I tried organic wheat bread, I thought I was chewing on roofing material #quotes Robin Williams

klo penonton bosen,berarti materi kurang matang. chris rock, robin williams, russell peter tetap lucu biar diulang2 ..

#Deus deu ao homem um crrebro e um prnis, mas sangue suficiente para o funcionamento de apenas um de cada vez. -Robin Williams #FollowBack

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