Nazareth - Dream On
To be continued after 18:00 at www.filmefree.byethost22.com ------Dream on Though its hard to tell Though youre foolin yourself Dream on You can hide away There is nothing to say, so dream on Dream on Though its hard to tell Though youre foolin yourself, dream on You can laugh at me because Im crying You can tell your friends how much I begged you to stay You can live your fantasy without me But youll never know how much I needed you Dream on Its so easy for you Though Im broken in two, dream on Dream on You can never see What youre doing to me, so dream on You can cross your heart and still be lyin You can count the reasons why youve thrown it away You can dream your life away without me But youll never know how much I needed you You can laugh at me because Im crying You can tell your friends how much I begged you to stay You can live your fantasy without me But youll never know how much I needed you Dream on Its so easy for you Though Im broken in two, dream on Dream on You can never see What youre doin to me, so dream on Dream on Though its hard to tell Though youre foolin yourself,dream on Dream on

Max Bruch: Violin Concerto n. 1 op. 26 - Akiko Suwanai (諏訪内晶子)
Akiko Suwanai (諏訪内晶子) plays the Bruch's Violin Concerto op.26 Eliahu Inbal conducts the Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della Rai Turin, 1998

瀧廉太郎『花』 Rentaro TAKI: "Hana" (Flowers) from "Shiki" (The Four Seasons)
瀧廉太郎作曲 組歌『四季』より『花』Akiko OGAWA (Alt) 小川明子(アルト) Hiroaki YAMADA (Pf.) 山田啓明(ピアノ) Michio TESHIMA (Camera) 手嶋道雄(カメラ) Date: 2010.09.29 Location: iichiko-Otonoizumi-Hall, Oita, JAPAN 同じ曲をセッション録音によるCDでもお楽しみいただけます。『荒城の月 国楽を離陸させた偉人たち』ライヴノーツ/ナミ・レコードWWCC-7641