Buddy Lee's Jump Rope Training for MA fighters & JumpRopeSprint.mov
Buddy Lee's Training Program is designed to help you develop and improve all necessary qualites specifically for your sport!

US to Occupy Persian Gulf? 'Iran is not a sitting duck!'
The US is sending another escorted aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf, saying it's a routine mission. An escalating verbal conflict between Tehran and Washington has been also made worse by the assassination of an Iranian nuclear scientist on Wednesday. Karen Kwiatkowski, a retired US Air Force Lieutenant Colonel, who worked in the Pentagon and the National Security Agency explained to RT that Western powers are unlikely to invade Iran. RT on Twitter twitter.com RT on Facebook www.facebook.com

Half Japanese Celebrities Part One 『ハーフ日本人セレブリティ』
PLEASE READ THIS: This is only part one! Their will be more! Do not threat if your favourite celeb isn't their! I am aware of many more celebrities of Japanese descent! If you would like to see a particular person in this please message me! This is a slideshow of Celebrities of half or partial Japanese descent. Please enjoy and show your support!