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Tetris: The Absolute PLUS - TADeath TAS (incomplete)

Tetris: The Absolute PLUS - TADeath TAS (incomplete)

Tetris: The Absolute -- The Grand Master 2 PLUS, Tool-Assisted speedrun. By popular request (sorta) I did it. I modified MAME for rerecording and I attacked TADeath mode. It's not done yet -- the video desyncs and I die. This is just a demonstration of what I have thus far. I probably won't even call it done when I reach level 999 since there are known errors and I was lacking information with regard to aspects to how the game works. The japanese text is a TAS warning for those who have never seen a TAS and will probably have a heart attack given just how cruel TADeath mode is. For you english viewers who don't know what a TAS is, visit tasvideos.org and read up. Short version: I abuse save-states. In any case, enjoy the show. Oh, and just to drive the point home, here's the complete piece sequence: d.hacked.2y.net
@meganeHARO セガの最初のやつですかね? 僕はゲームボーイから入ってアーケード版はグランドマスター以降から入ったので、すでにミノの出現法則はあんな感じで固まってたと思います。最近のテトリスはレギュレーションがすっごい細かく決められてるんですよね。

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