What is up with Noises? (The Science and Mathematics of Sound, Frequency, and Pitch)

What is up with Noises? (The Science and Mathematics of Sound, Frequency, and Pitch)

Accuracy not guaranteed. Get Audacity and play! audacity.sourceforge.net Correction: it is the "Basilar" membrane, which is what I say, but somehow between recording the script and actually drawing the stuff I got confused and thought I just pronounced my Vs poorly. Always sad to have such a simple and glaring error in something I put hundreds of hours of work into, but a "Vasilar" membrane can be the kind that a Vi draws to explain Viola Vibrations, I guess! Making up new words is just so prolightfully awstastic. Props to my Bro for excellent and creative swing pushing, and to my Mamma for filming it. Extra special thanks to my generous donators, without whom I would not have been able to create this video. Because of your support, I have the equipment, time, and take-out Thai food necessary for doing stuff like this.
Who knew...people actually listen to the radio. N I don't sound 10yrs old. Anyways pictures of my work r on the way...

@connell_cydney you said that cause you sound like A retard

Come around, feel the sound, oh you make my heart pound, fill me up, bring me down when I hear your sound!!

Lol me and deonna sound like fat asses talking about thanksgiving .

I can't decide if its a choice, getting swept away. I hear the sound of my voice, asking you to stay.

Oh she caught it. Lol well yo butt shouldn't sound so happy that I'm gone!

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