Pokemon Diamond Avaitar TLAB Challenge Ep. 1

Pokemon Diamond Avaitar TLAB Challenge Ep. 1

Rules: 1. You must choose a Nation. 2.Only use Pokemon with a type assigned through the chart below. Air: Flying, Psychic, Ghost and Bug. Water: Water, Ice, Grass and Poison. Fire: Fire, Electric, Dark and Dragon. Earth: Ground, Rock, Steel and Fighting. Normal=All 3. You are not the Avatar, deal with it. 4. You may catch a pokemon if it will eventually gain a type from your nation. (IE An Earth Nation trainer can have a Torchic because it will eventually become a fighting type.) 5.If a pokemon evolves and becomes incompatible for your nation you must get rid of it. (IE If you are Earth Nation and you evolve Eevee into a Glacion you can not keep it.) 6. Any Normal type can be caught by any Nation, but if it has a second type it muust be type from your nation. (IE If any trainer can catch a Petrat, but only Air Nation can atch Pidoves. Have Fun!
Entered $TLAB @ $2.78

não sei se sofro mais por causa da prova de fest,ou da de tlab..

@vincentamp cent yg tlab geekshop bukannya yg kemarin datang ke stand??

RT @SultanAljoufi: وزيرالعمل(فقيه)أول ما استلم الوزارة عين السيدة مرفت طاشكندي مستشارة لوزير العمل فأصبح كل يوم يتخبط بقراراته المستوردة ...


RT @SultanAljoufi: شاهدت سيارة بطريق الملك فهد فيها عائلة أكثر من عشرة نساء وأطفال ومكتوب على الزجاج الخلفي (السائق تحت التجربة) #qatif ...

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