how an MRI (MRT) scan is performed

how an MRI (MRT) scan is performed

just a little demonstration of what to expect in an MRI scanner. =) magnetic resonance imaging is done - as the name suggests - by inducing strong magnetic fields - no ionizing radiation ("radioactivity") is involved!
@jayne_curran why do u hav a pic of the MRI machine being loaded up #juswondering

McLean Report on nanotechnology that may enhance medication delivery and improve MRI performance

@fumama1000 腹が一週間くらい痛すぎて歩けなくなってMRIとったけど原因がわからない(>_<)今は痛くないけど(>_<)

@TreanMachine yeah my MRI and other scans were all bulk billed thankfully, cause they add up too!

RT @TheFakeESPN: MRI on Derek Rose reveals his entire body is 90% noodle. Only Jeremy Lin has a higher noodle percentage.

@soyangmd 박사님이 박주신 MRI의 미스테리를 꼭 밝히고 싶어하시는 이유 중 하나가 유사소견이 판독에 경험적은 젊은 의사들을 배려하기 때문이란 말씀이 와닿습니다. 반드시 밝혀져서 영상의학에 혼란이 생기지 않길 바랍니다.

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