Lily Kershaw - As It Seems

Lily Kershaw - As It Seems

"Lily Kershaw - As it seems" (with the lyrics below) as heard on Criminal Minds Season 7 Finale. Amazing song...right on time for the summer :) I take no credit for the song or the pictures. It is just a collage I have made using Stupeflix. All rights reserved to the artist or appropriate parties. Lyrics Well I knew, what I didn't wanna know And I saw where I didn't wanna go So I took the path less travelled on And I let my stories be whispered when I'm gone [Chorus] When I'm gone When I'm gone When I'm gone Well in this life, you must find something to live for 'Cause when the darkness comes crawling You go back to where you were before 'Cause this life is as fragile as a dream And nothing is ever really as it seems [Chorus] As it seems As it seems As it seems Well I lost my innocence, when in I let him dive With the way he looked at me, made me feel alive And now I know, nothing at all With the release that comes when you're in mid fall [Chorus] In mid fall In mid fall In mid fall 'Cause in this life, you must find something to live for 'Cause when the darkness comes crawling You go back to where you were before 'Cause this life is as fragile as a dream And nothing is ever really as it seems [Chorus] As it seems As it seems As it seems
it seem like good music

I always seem to have better things to do when I try to go bed. Fuck you

Just can't seem to get into American Dad :/ Still trying though

i always seem to be everyones second choice.

RT @mikekelso313: Seem like detroit got something against fenkell niggas smh

@UglyNiallHoran why does it seem like alll the 9 year old directioners follow you.hmmm? Jk I mean supposively 'fans'

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