Killing Joke - The Wait

Killing Joke - The Wait

My favorite song from Killing Joke's 1980 album "Killing Joke"
RT @qhlow Just like a serial killer telling you killing is wrong. Joke.

When I joke about killing myself to a friend over text and someone is reading my shiz over my shoulder and questions me about it. F*ck you.

#Np Captain Murphy-The Killing Joke

@CarlyKyriazis yeah wanna just come over and go together? i'm gonna buy a case of joke this week is killing me

can i scream cause my niall feels are killing me right now and omfg it cam out of no where, i havent seen a pic yet!!! Joke,it's from the ღ

“@Ken10beats: #Np Captain Murphy-The Killing Joke” I was just listening to that jawn who is bull

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