test Monster Rancher Intro HD.mxf
test Monster Rancher Intro HD.mxf

Monster Rancher, known in Japan as Monster Farm (モンスターファーム Monsutā Fāmu?), is a 73-episode anime series based on the Monster Rancher series of video games made by Tecmo.[1] It originally aired on Japanese television on TBS from April 17, 1999 to September 30, 2000. In Japan there were two series (モンスターファーム~円盤石の秘密~ - Monster Farm Enbanseki no Himitsu) for episodes 1-48 and (モンスターファーム~伝説への道~ Monster Farm Densetsu e no Michi) for episodes 49-73. The US version, localized and originally syndicated by Bohbot Entertainment (later BKN), had several parts modified to make it suitable for viewing on American television. The character Hare had his "Gas" attack removed. "Gas" is an attack where Hare turns around and flatulates on his enemy. The flatulence stinks so badly, it stuns enemies, knocks them out, as seen in Hare's Trick and he used Gas to keep the Iron Bird afloat in the Iron Bird episode. A couple of scenes were also removed from the episode "My Name is Pixie". At one point during the episode, Genki rescues Pixie from quicksand. After he hauls her out, the mud on her face makes her look as if she has a beard (why that was cut out is not known). There is also a later scene in the same episode where Genki lifts Pixie "bride over the threshold" style in his arms and skates away with her while she kicks and yells in protest. For reasons unknown, a few frames were cut from that scene as well. Several key episodes of Season 2 were skipped ...
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