Circuit Skills: Electronics Enclosures

Circuit Skills: Electronics Enclosures

Every useful electronics project deserves a good enclosure. Providing a proper case for your circuit can protect it from accidental spills & falls - plus give it a cool look you can proudly show off to those unfamiliar with soldering and such. Follow along with Collin as he turns a barebones function generator kit into a sturdy and versatile tone-box fit for noise-jamming & testing purposes. Get more info and a parts bundle:
RT @chloe_horseman: Just because your fat and lazy doesn't mean you get to ride the electronic wheelchairs at Kroger **

RT @EDMNeverStops: #MentionATrueFriend electronic dance music

Today, it's the international Mind control and electronic harrassment awareness day !!

@thedepressor awe babe u r also more important than any electronic

@dimidiums I thought so, haha! That's why I followed you right away. <3 I think I'm neglecting it 'cause it's the last movie. :( LOL

RT @Nuwanda__: Electronic Americans #fuckingstoners

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