Homenaje a Bach 'Castillo de Maria Luisa' Shiro el Arriero TV Live

Homenaje a Bach 'Castillo de Maria Luisa' Shiro el Arriero TV Live

Here is the one part from Shiro's interview and live guitar solo, during his tour for Latin America. The classical guitar solo Shiro performs, is the second movement for his original guitar suite called 'Castillo de Maria Luisa (Maria Luisa's Castle)', which is inspired by the very mysterious experience Shiro had at the ruins of the old castle in Chinchon, Spain. This is a type of guitar solo which shows Shiro's profund love for Johann Sebastian Bach. Shiro is a New York based Japanese guitar player, singer, composer and one of the followers of Atahualpa Yupanqui (Argentina 1908-1992.) アタウアルパ・ユパンキの道を追うもののひとり、シロ・エル・アリエーロ(大竹史朗)によるスペイン語ライブインタビュー、そしてクラシックギター独奏によるオリジナル組曲'マリア・ルイサの城'より第二楽章の演奏。 バッハの音楽に深く根ざすその音楽性をよくあらわす組曲中の一曲です。
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